3. ATG Commerce

Chapter #3: Commerce

This chapter includes the basics of ATG Commerce and how the flow of Profile and Order creation, Shopping Cart and Checkout functions.

1. ART#301 | What is Product Catalog? This article describes the basics of a product catalog, why we need it, and how ATG represents it.
2. ART#302 | What are the different ways of extending the Product Catalog? Understand the different methods and processes to understand various ways of extending product catalog. 
3. ART#303 | What is Inventory in ATG? How do we manage it? Inventory is important when we add an item to cart. Learn what inventory is, and how does ATG store and use inventory.
4. ART#304 | How to configure Price and PriceLists in ATG? Learn how ATG provides handling of prices for a SKU. Understand what comes OOTB and what how to customize it!
5. ART#305 | How to add a single item to cart in ATG? Learn the process of adding a single item to cart using CartModifierFormHandler. Understand the basics of cart, and how you can use the form to fulfill your requirement.
6. ART#306 | How to add multiple items to cart in ATG? Understand how you can add multiple items to cart in ATG in just 4 STEPS!
7. ART#307 | What is commerceItem in ATG? Why is it required? CommerceItem is the core of ATG's commerce modules. Learn how commerceItems are created, and why are they needed!
8. ART#308(A) | How to extend and customize a commerceItem in ATG? This article contains the details on WHY you should extend a commerceItem. The process of extending an existing commerceItem is explained step-by-step.

Chapter#2 | Repository Concepts

Chapter#3 | Commerce

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